Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions and answers.
Q1. Are students eligible for scholarships that have graduated high school outside of Fort Stockton and Sanderson Texas?
A1: No, the Pinon Foundation Scholarship program was created to benefit the students in the Permian Basin area with a focus on the Fort Stockton and Sanderson high school graduates.
Q2: My organization is based outside of the Pinon Foundation preferred giving areas, can we still apply for a grant?
A2: Yes, the preferred areas are a general guideline for where we have worked and continued to work in the United States.
Q3: If a student applies for a scholarship after the deadline will there be a grace period for applicants?
A3: No, deadlines are set for funding and budgeting purposes. If students miss the deadline they are invited to apply for future semesters.
Q4: How long does it take for grant requests to be approved or denied?
A4: You will hear back within 6 weeks for approval, denial, or a request for more information.
Q5: Do students have to fill out a new reimbursement form every semester?
A5: Yes, this helps to keep student information up to date.